Friday, 13 July 2007

New Blog Of The Week - #2

The South African Internet Guide blog is designed

to focus attention to South African web sites, blogs and entrepreneurs
The few posts that are already up do make for interesting reading. It is a pity that the weekly posting guide mentioned on the blog does not seem to have been followed. I think that if this was done it would make this blog a daily must-read. I understand that this is a labour intensive process but the designers may be able to develop a system whereby guest bloggers could give submissions to fill the required space.

It would be really good to see this blog take flight into the blogosphere! I look forward to seeing this happen in the near future.

(Update 14/07 - a response was received in the comments - this blog is now self-hosted - click here)


1 comment:

Unknown said...

You're absolutely right - I must adhere to the schedule, and I will do so from next week Monday. I have been playing around with the format and theme of the blog: it is now self-hosted on

Thanks for your comments and support, and please keep visiting!